Author: erikapaterson

Unit One: Evaluation Process

Good Monday June 1st 301; As we come to the end of our first Unit, I want to review and clarify my assessment process for you all. First, just as I asked you to describe your learning philosophies on your

Lesson 1:3 Definitions & Peer Review

Hello 301, With lesson 1:3 assignments you are practicing two writing techniques: The art of definition — and the importance of always considering your reader’s needs first. The art of Peer Review — and self-editing based on review  Assignment #1: Definitions, should

Setting up and Settling into 301

Good Monday morning 301, A number of people have managed to get themselves set up with their blogs, and I have posted those links on our Student Blog page. A number of people have encountered difficutlies getting onto the class

May 11th 2015

Welcome to my Instructor’s Blog I will post a new blogs on a regular basis which you should read before beginning each week’s lesson. The principle purpose of this Blog is to respond to your work and the progress of our course

Example of an excellent resume page:

RESUME Below you can find PDF files of my traditional and scannable resumes tailored for a Research Assistant position at the BCCRC: Traditional Resume Scannable Resume Below you can find my searchable resume tailored for a Research Assistant position at the BCCRC:

Application Package Peer Review

Hello 301; I am spending the week reading through Unit Four assignments: Peer review and Application Packages. Here is an excellent example of a Peer Review for a draft application package that sets a standard: Name of the Reviewer: Author’s

Example of an Excellent Progress Report re: Application

MEMORANDUM To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Professor From: ****** ENGL301 Student RL Date: March 6, 2015 Subject: Progress Report for Application Package   I have organized a progress report for the application package assignment so that I can plan ahead and

Example on how to put YOU Attitude into your application and formal report

Be sure to use YOU attitude in your introduction to the report. This will also help ensure that you are focused on your reader’s needs as you write the introduction; and only your reader’s needs. Be sure to use YOU

Tips for Writing your Final Report Draft

As I read through your Unit Three reflection blogs, I see some of you are concerned about going too far over the page count – which is a guideline. As I read through your drafts, I have to ask many of

Two most impressive Reflection Blogs

Here are examples of  most impressive Reflections Blogs: There are a few typos and grammar errors, but nonetheless, I am impressed with the completeness and the details in this reflection, I can clearly see the work that has been accomplished


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