Author: erikapaterson

Subject Lines and File Names

Subject Lines I am sure you can all imagine how much email and how many documents I file on a regular basis — all you need to do to is multiply the assignments you are responsible for each week by


Survey Introduction: an example I have finished reading through your proposals and some of you have begun to send me your surveys for approval. A common error with this assignment is the composition of the introduction to your surveys; this

Details Details Details ………

Good day 301; As I read through peer reviews for Formal Report Proposals, I am finding a lot of reviews that are missing details. Indeed, many reviews do not include the name of the Report, and some reviews leave me

Formal Report Proposals and Peer Reviews

Formal Reports: Everything you write and every single word you choose is for your reader. I have an important note that most of you are clear about – but I am sure some are still a little fuzzy: You need to

Writing Tips: Unit One

Hello 301: As I comment and evaluate assignments I also provide writing tips. The following is a collection of those tips for Unit One. Please do refer to these writing tips when preparing and editing assignments; your writing is will

Peer Reviews must be submitted for evaluation

Good Saturday 301; Here is a good questions I just received: it is an important question.   I am looking for some guidance on how to move forward. One Team member has yet to post his definitions, meaning I have

Team Forum & Unit One

Good Monday 301; We have four teams up on the Team Forum page now, and I will continue to post your teams as you provide the information on our Facebook page. When you are ready to post your first assignment

The First Glitch ….

Hello 301 The first glitch of the semester is — I do not have a copy of the new 14th edition of Technical Writing, and I am out of the country and traveling until the end of June. So, the

Welcome to English 301 2017 Summer Session

Hello 301 Welcome to our course of studies together  and Welcome to the instructor’s blog I will post a new blogs on a regular basis which you should read before beginning each week’s lesson. The principle purpose of this Blog is to respond to

Writing with YOU Attitude

Learning the techniques of writing with YOU attitude is so valuable, I am dedicating this page to YOU attitude tips and examples. Please do ensure to work with YOU attitude in your transmission letter for your Formal report, and in the introduction


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