Author: SamuelKobierski

Assignment 2:3 – Formal Report Progress Memo

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor From: Samuel Kobierski Date: February 23, 2019 Subject: English 301 – Assignment 2:3 – Formal Report Progress Memo As you requested, I am writing to you today to provide you with an update on

Assignment 2:3 – Formal Report Outline

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor From: Samuel Kobierski Date: February 23, 2019 Subject: English 301 Formal Report Outline – Proposal for the Construction of a Towing Tank at the University of British Columbia I. INTRODUCTION A. Summary B. Statement

Assignment 2:2 – LinkedIn Profile – Peer Review

To: Navy Vo From: Samuel Kobierski Date: February 16, 2019 Subject: English 301 –  Assignment 2:2 – LinkedIn Profile – Peer Review Dear Ms. Vo, I have thoroughly reviewed your LinkedIn profile, using the template I created for this purpose. I found

Assignment 2:2 – LinkedIn Profile Memo

To: Dr. Erika Paterson & The TechniWriters From: Samuel Kobierski Date: February 11, 2019 Subject: English 301 –  Assignment 2:2 – LinkedIn Profile Memo Hi all, As requested in Assignment 2:2, I have set up a LinkedIn profile. I have invited you

Assignment 2:2 – LinkedIn Best Practices

To: English 301, The TechniWriters From: Samuel Kobierski Date: February 09, 2019 Subject: English 301 – Assignment 2:2 – LinkedIn Best Practices As our Professor, Dr. Erika Paterson, requested, I have researched LinkedIn best practices and formulated a list with ten of

Assignment 2:1 – Formal Report Proposal – Peer Review

To: Bara’a Alabbas From: Samuel Kobierski Date: February 03, 2019 Subject: English 301 –  Assignment 2:1 – Peer Review Dear Ms. Alabbas, I have thoroughly reviewed your post, Formal Report Proposal, which details the topic you have chosen to investigate for your

Assignment 2:1 – Formal Report Proposal Memo

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor From: Samuel Kobierski Date: February 01, 2019 Subject: English 301 Formal Report Proposal As you requested,  I have formulated a Formal Report Proposal for you to review at your convenience. I have posted my

Assignment 2:1 – Formal Report Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor From: Samuel Kobierski Date: February 01, 2019 Subject: English 301 Formal Report Proposal – Proposal for the Creation of an Undergraduate Degree in Naval Architecture at UBC Introduction Recently, the marine industry has experienced

Assignment 1:3 – Definitions – Peer Review

To: Jenny Bachynski From: Samuel Kobierski Date: January 22, 2019 Subject: English 301 –  Assignment 1:3 – Peer Review Dear Ms. Bachynski, I have thoroughly reviewed your first post, Assignment 1.3 -Definitions, which details your definition of the term, “Graphics Tablet.” I have

Assignment 1.3 – Definitions

To: Dr. Erika Paterson & The TechniWriters From: Samuel Kobierski Date: January 18, 2019 Subject: English 301 – Assignment 1:3 – Definitions To Whom It May Concern, This assignment introduces the value and place definitions have in technical writing. The


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