Category: Instructor’s Blog

Progress Reports: comments and examples

I am in the process of responding to all of your email memos re: progress reports. The most common error among the reports I received is the form of the document. The instructions ask for an email memo; yet many people

Progress Report

AMalltezi Progress Report Memo

Reflections: an example

Hello 301; I have just this moment completed all my evaluations for Unit One. If you have any questions about my comments, please do not hesitate to ask. I am always happy to review your work with you. I will

Progress Report on Unit One

Hello 301; In Unit One we have been working on perfecting the art of the professional email message and memorandums. Here are some general tips concerning the most common errors: Subject lines missing or incorrect details, here are some examples with corrections:

Formal Reports: examples and some tips

Hello 301; This blog is meant to guide you with brainstorming your research topic for your Formal Report. Before reading this blog please be sure to read the assigned pages on The Research Process: 123 – 186. Below you will

Unit One assessment process

Good Day 301; As we come to the end of our first Unit, I want to review and clarify my assessment process for you all. First, just as I asked you to describe  your learning philosophies, I want to detail


SULCI in RELATION TO PERIODONTAL LASER THERAPY What  are sulci and how are they related to periodontal laser therapy? (Sentence definition) Periodontal laser therapy includes the use of a soft tissue laser within the sulci. (Parenthetical definition) The sulci (free


Introduction In this weeks assignment we were asked to write three different definitions for a difficult term in your profession. This exercise is important as it allows me to practice being descriptive, coherent and learn to cater my paragraphs for

Writing Team Application Letter

Good Monday afternoon all, I have very much enjoyed reading all your letters of application, and I am pleased to see most of you have your writing teams organized. Your first writing team assignments, Definitions and Peer Reviews, are due

Email Memorandum

What follows is an example of an email memo from Jason. This memo is quite excellent in content: polite, clear, brief and detailed; however, there are issues with the form. Can you identify what is incorrect about this memo in


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