Peer Review of Definitions Assignment – Olivia

Name of the Reviewer: Rida Irshad

Author’s Name: Olivia Fournier

Title of the Expanded Definition: Operculectomy


Initial Impressions

Since I am also in the dental field, I immediately knew what the term meant. However, I decided to initially read the definitions from a perspective of a new learner. After initially reading the definitions provided by you of the term operculectomy, the meaning of the term was very clearly understood. You did an excellent job describing the term, describing what the procedure of the surgery would entail, the tools that can be used to perform the procedure and some misconceptions of the term. Great job being detailed with your definitions.

However, there are some minor grammatical errors in the assignment, and I would also consider rephrasing the parenthetical definition, so it is not entirely written in parentheses.


Some of the questions that came to mind reading your expanded definition were:

-Where is the introduction of this assignment?

-Would an individual who is not familiar with this term understand it well?

-Would it have been helpful to categorize the expanded definition in subheadings?


Purpose and Audience

The purpose of this assignment was spot on with your work, you stayed on topic and covered all aspects of the term well. As I am quite familiar with this term, I would say the information presented is accurate.



-Proof-read all sections of the assignment. In paragraph 1 of the expanded definition, sentence 1 has a grammatical error as it is an incomplete sentence/thought.

-Impacted tooth is not a frequent term used outside of the dental world – although you do an excellent job describing the meaning later, it was used earlier in the definition without description. This may lead to some confusion for those who are unfamiliar with this term until they read further.

-The entire parenthetical definition is in parenthesis. It may have been better to word it as: Operculectomy (gum surgery) is a minor surgery that removes excess skin or gum tissue covering a tooth



Methods of expansion definitions used:



-Operating Principle (describing how the procedure is performed)


Each section of the definition is completed well, the visual was a good way to demonstrate the procedure being described – specially for those who are unfamiliar with the term. Adding an introduction would have been ideal.


Final Impressions

-To further improve this work, intro and proof-reading the assignment once more would have been best to ensure the reader knows what the topic will be about and to make sure the reader/learner does not get confused by the context due to minor grammatical errors.

-I thought you did a very thorough job in your expanded definition and the visual were specially most effective for the learning process.


Additional Comments

-Good job describing the dental “language” such as the terms occluding or impacted tooth.

-Nice job with citations

-Good job using visuals – it was easy to comprehend the information for a new learner


Definitions-assignment – Olivia

One comment on “Peer Review of Definitions Assignment – Olivia
  1. OliviaFournier says:

    Thank you so much Rida! Grammar and proof reading has always been something I struggle with, it has always helped someone else to read it through new eyes!

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