Dale’s Research Proposal Memo

Dale’s Research Proposal Memo

To: Erika Paterson
From: Dale Miller
Date: June 22, 2022
Subject: Summary of Research Proposal for Determining the New Office Plan for OP Media Group

According to the requirements of the lesson 2.1 assignment, I have posted my proposal on determining the new office plan for OP Media Group to my team’s forum. I have also included it as an attachment to this memo for your convenience.

My research proposal contains the following:

  • Introduction of Topic – Office conditions for OP Media Group during COVID-19
  • Statement of Problem – Upcoming lease expiry
  • Audience Description – OP Media Group president, Mark Yelic
  • Proposed Solution – Hybrid work environment with reduced office space
  • Scope – Costs, staff safety, productivity, and satisfaction
  • Methods – Surveys, interviews, literature review
  • Qualifications – Deep knowledge and access into company
  • Conclusion – Summarize the importance and benefits of this report

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to your feedback on this proposal.

Enclosure: Dale Miller ENGL301 Research Proposal

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