Assignment 2:3 – Formal report progress MEMO Kristy

To: Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Professor

From: Kristy Vyfschaft, ENGL 301 Student

Date: July 8, 2022

Subject: Progress of Formal Report: Analysis of Mental Health in Dental Practice and Feasibility of a Workplace Mental Health Program


Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to evaluate current mental health issues in the dental professional and recommend actions to integrate a mental health program in dental practice.


The mental health of the dental team has a direct and indirect impact on the practice. Improving the mental well-being of the staff will lead to better patient care and increased productivity.


Practice owner and employer, Dr. Sabari.

Managerial staff: Sonia, Andrea, and Samantha.


To determine the current mental health issues and mental health awareness in the dental profession and the possible causative factors.

To determine the feasibility of introducing a mental health program and/or resources in the practice.

To make recommendations on integrating a program into the offices.


Primary data collection targeted at all dental staff via an online survey. Attached is the link to the survey to be distributed.

Secondary data collection from previous studies in the dental field, mental health programs in the workplace, and the costs and benefits of the programs and resources.

Formal Report Outline

Attached is the outline for the formal report.

301 Kristy Vyfschaft Formal report Outline

Research Plan

Research stressors in practice and common mental health symptoms

Observe daily stressors and mental health symptoms in practice

Create survey questions related to mental health awareness and resources being used

Survey respondents identify mental health resources already being used and applicable resources in practice

Secondary research about the practice effects of mental illness and mental health programs and/or policies in other workplaces.

Benefit analysis of mental health programs.

Comparative analysis of data.

Create visuals based on survey data and outlining potential program pathways

Writing Schedule

Attached is the writing schedule for the coming weeks.

301 Kristy vyfschaft report timeline

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