Peer Review of Izabel’s Formal Report Draft – Hanul Seo

To: Izabel Lopez, English 301 Student Writer

From: Hanul Seo, English 301 Student Reviewer

Date: August 1, 2022

Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft: PLACEMENT OF COPPER IN TRANSLINK SERVICES


Thank you for sharing your formal report draft on placing copper in translink services of Vancouver. The information provided, organization of thoughts and summary of findings were well executed within this report. The following feedback below provides suggestions for improving this formal report:



  • The introduction of this report, does an excellent job in combining the statement of the problem and the proposed solution. However, more information regarding the impact the advised solution could carry out – may make the report more convincing.
  • There was not a lot of information within the conclusion section to constructively criticize.
  • Not enough information on this draft to concisely identify the problem – with details on why this is a problem, and relate how the proposed solution can resolve this issue.


    • The organization of the headings and subheadings are clear. Enables a nice guideline to the article, and allows the readers to read the material with good flow.
    • The organization of the draft is clear and effective at all points.
    • There is no methods section – no way of understanding how the research was conducted, and why it is relevant in this article


  • The style of the report is informational and efficient, however, there is not enough information to provide sufficient evidence for the relevancy of the report.


  • Title page, and table of contents were well organized as easy to read.
  • I would include more graphics, and pictures to highlight the topic of the report.


Overall Revisions: 

  • Add more information regarding the relevancy of the problem, research findings, data collected, and summary.
  • Include a methods section to discuss how the collection of the primary data is useful in convincing your point.

I hope this peer review was informative and useful for your final formal report. Please reach out for any clarification or questions. Thank you for your time!

Izabel’s Formal Report Draft: Izabel_DraftFormalReport

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