2.3 Formal Research Report Progress Report


To: Dr. Erika Paterson (ENGL 301 Professor)

From: Parsa Seyed Zehtab (ENGL 301 Student)

Date: March 15, 2023

Subject: Progress Report of Formal Proposal Regarding the Feasibility of Introducing Daily Specials to Increase Customer Volume at Cactus Club Cafe. 

Intended Audience

Alexandria Lee, General Manager of Cactus Club Cafe Park Royal. Carl Dean, Executive Vice President Cactus Club Cafe. 

Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to assess the feasibility of introducing daily specials at Cactus Club Cafe to increase customer volume during the months of January to April, known as dry season. 

Significance of Report

This report outlines the reasons behind decreasing customer volume during dry season, and how Cactus Club Cafe can increase customer volume by offering daily specials as a means to encourage customers to dine at the restaurant. 


  • To assess the factors that drive the decrease of customer volume during dry season
  • To identify the factors that drive customers’ decision making when choosing a restaurant
  • To assess the importance of daily specials for customers 
  • To assess the feasibility of introducing daily specials to increase customer volume 
  • To provide a comprehensive report of the above analysis, and provide a suitable solution to increase customer volume during dry season at Cactus Club Cafe

Research Plan 

  • Assess and analyze the factors that drive the decrease in customer volume at restaurants during dry season 
  • Specifically assess and analyze the factors that drive the decrease in customer volume at Cactus Club Cafe during dry season
  • Primary survey will be shared with residents of the lower mainland. It will be posted in Facebook groups, social media, and shared by word of mouth. It will also be offered to Cactus Club Cafe customers with the approval of the general manager. A link to the survey is provided below 
  • An interview with the General Manager of Cactus Club Cafe Park Royal to gather first-hand information about the causes and impact of dry season. Further, the feasibility of introducing daily specials will be assessed. A link to the questions is provided below
  • Secondary research of business publications to inform the feasibility of introducing daily specials as a solution to increase customer volume
  • Analysis and compiling of data from all data sources to formulate the solution

Writing Schedule

  • March 17: Finalize interview time with Alexandria Lee, Head Manager of Cactus Club Cafe 
  • March 18: Send out primary survey on social media sites and begin sharing it through word of mouth 
  • March 20: Begin research of secondary sources 
  • March 22: Begin the draft of the formal research report, focusing on the Introduction and Methodology sections 
  • March 24: Shift focus of Formal Research Report draft to data analysis 
  • March 24: Conduct interview with Alexandria Lee
  • March 25: Close all surveys and compile the data 
  • March 28: Finish draft of formal research report 
  • March 29: Submit Formal Report draft to team forum
  • April 2: Submit Peer Review of Formal Report Draft 
  • April 5: Amend Formal Report based on Peer Review feedback 
  • April 11: Post Formal Report on team forum as a pdf

Thank you for taking the time to review my progress report. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time at parsaz00@students.ubc.ca


Enclosure 1: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0q4aGcJrsnk4FRc

Enclosure 2: Questions to Ask Alexandria Lee, ENGL 2.3 pdf


One comment on “2.3 Formal Research Report Progress Report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Parsa, thank you for posting this progress report, it is excellent and your survey is ready to be posted. I look forward to learning more.

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