Revised Proposal Memo

To: Erika Paterson < >, ENGL 301 Instructor
From: Long You, ENGL 301 Student
Date: Apr 15, 2023

Subject: Proposal for Encouraging TWU Students to Participate in Exercise at City of Richmond’s City Center Community Center

I am writing to present my proposal for increasing participation of Trinity Western University (TWU) students in exercise activities at the City of Richmond’s City Center Community Center (C4). As requested in assignment 2:1, I have completed the homework on this topic and posted it on our team’s forum (Long’s Team). I would appreciate your input as soon as possible so that I can begin working on the project.

My research proposal contains the following:

  • Audience Description– Nelson Chiu, Fitness Coordinator at City Center Community Center.
  • Introduction of Topic – Encouraging TWU Students to Participate in Exercise at City of Richmond’s City Center Community Center
  • Statement of Problem – The marketing campaign launched in January 2023 to encourage TWU students to exercise at the on-campus fitness center of C4 has not been as successful as anticipated, with low student participation rates.
  • Proposed Solutions – To identify the motivations and barriers that prevent students from exercising at C4, so that these can be addressed in the next campaign, scheduled for September 2023.
  • Scope of Questions – Motivations, barriers, physical activities, cost etc…
  • Forms of Primary and Secondary Sources – Survey of practicing TWU students, interviews of TWU staff, and literature review on the University students physical activities.
  • My Qualifications – BCRPA certified personal trainer with years of fitness working experiences, undergraduate Kinesiology student, and ability to provide a comprehensive literature review.
  • Conclusion – Summarizes the positive benefits of gym workout at C4,  analyze the factors that impede TWU students from fitness participation, and make recommendations to C4 management team.

I believe that this research project will be crucial in improving student engagement and increasing participation rates in exercise activities at C4. Thank you for your support, and I look forward to your feedback.


Long You


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