Assignment 2.2 | (REVISED) 10 Best Practices for LinkedIn Memo

To: Jennifer Dunbar, Liam Plosker, Nina Nakanishi, Writing Team Members

From: Karolina Atehortua, ENGL 301 student

Date: March 5th, 2023

Subject: 10 Best Practices for LinkedIn 

As requested in assignment 2.2, the list below highlights 10 best practices for professional networking on LinkedIn. I hope this information will be helpful for developing or upscaling your LinkedIn profile. 

  1. Profile Picture: selecting a profile picture carefully is very important as it builds the first impression. Use a current headshot, and dress in appropriate attire
  1. Background Photo: your background photo sets the context. Choose something meaningful to you, such as nature, or related to your niche
  1. Summary: be unique and concise, avoiding a word limit of around 400 words.
  1. Synch Profile with Emails: synchronize the profile with email address book to grow network. LinkedIn will suggest people you could connect with.
  1. Update Profile Regularly: regular profile updates will make you appear less spammy and more interesting to others.
  1. Join LinkedIn Groups: joining industry-relevant groups allows you to start discussions, gather feedback, and ask and answer questions, promoting your reputation and business.
  1. Add Your Pronouns: pronouns are an important part of both remote and in-person work. By adding them you can avoid awkwardness and ease communication. 
  1. Be Clear and Concise: avoiding buzzwords when discussing your expertise and accomplishments. Be clear and concise.
  1. Keep Location Updated: keeping your location up-to-date helps recruiters find you easily.
  1. Fill in Every Section: consider personal projects if you have no relevant accomplishments or activities outside of your job experiences. Make everything you have done count.

I hope these suggestions will assist you in the development of your own LinkedIn profiles. If you want to learn more, check out the links attached below. 

Assignment 2.2 References

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