2.2 LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

To: Brian Wong, Parsa Seyed Zehtab,

From: Riya Kathuria

Date March 6, 2023

Subject: Ten Best Practices For Professional Networking on Linkedin


As requested in the outline for assignment 2.2, the list below summarises the ten best practices for effective professional networking on LinkedIn. The following information will be beneficial for individuals who are seeking to improve their employment opportunities.

  1. Complete your LinkedIn profile: Ensure that your LinkedIn profile is complete with a professional headshot, a well-crafted summary, and detailed work experience.
  2. Connect with relevant people: Connect with people in your industry, alumni, and others who can help you achieve your career goals.
  3. Join LinkedIn groups: Join LinkedIn groups related to your industry to connect with like-minded professionals and learn about new trends and opportunities.
  4. Engage with your connections: Like, comment, and share posts from your connections to stay top of mind and build stronger relationships.
  5. Create valuable content: Share valuable content on LinkedIn to showcase your expertise and provide value to your connections.
  6. Use LinkedIn’s messaging feature wisely: Use LinkedIn’s messaging feature to connect with new people, follow up on job applications, and build relationships with your connections.
  7. Attend LinkedIn events: Attend LinkedIn events to network with other professionals and learn from industry experts.
  8. Use LinkedIn’s job search feature: Use LinkedIn’s job search feature to find new job opportunities and connect with recruiters.
  9. Provide and ask for recommendations: Provide and ask for recommendations on LinkedIn to showcase your skills and expertise and build your credibility.
  10. Stay professional: Always be professional and avoid controversial or polarizing topics on LinkedIn to maintain a positive online presence.

The set of 10 best practices mentioned above will definitely enhance your LinkedIn activities and improve the chances of your LinkedIn profile being a useful resource for you. If you have any queries about the information presented in this memo, don’t hesitate to contact me. Additionally, a list of all the sources used to create this memo is included below for your reference.

Enclosure: References 2.2


Riya Kathuria

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