Assignment 2:3 – Email Memo for Progress of Formal Report

To: Professor Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Byung-Sun Park, ENGL 301 Student

Date: March 15, 2023

Subject: Progress Report for Formal Report


As requested in Lesson 2:3, I have written the progress report for my formal report on enhancing continuous support for teaching assistants at the UBC Department of Computer Science. This progress report includes the audiences, purpose, and significance of the report as well as the research plan and writing schedule. I also have included the URL links to the survey questions at the bottom of the report.



The audiences of this report are Ms. Sharon Craddock, the HR Manager of the Department of Computer Science, and Ms. Michaela Butler, the HR Administrator of the Department of Computer Science.


Purpose of the Report

The purpose of this report is to underline the lack of continuous support for teaching assistants throughout the term and propose solutions to the problem. Besides training sessions in the first week and the performance review in the last week of the term, teaching assistants do not have enough chances to receive feedback and review performance throughout the term. This report will investigate the status of departmental resources currently available and suggest methods to implement regular support to help teaching assistants meet the department’s expectations for quality teaching.


Significance of the Report

  • The Computer Science department can gain insight into how to improve current support methods for teaching assistants with the investigation and resulting recommendation of the report
  • The Computer Science department can ensure quality delivery of the courses by teaching assistants after implementing suggested solutions from the report
  • Teaching assistants can gain confidence in teaching skills and review their performance regularly with the suggested solutions implemented
  • Students can make the best of resources from teaching assistants regularly supported by the department throughout the term



  • To examine the status of departmental resources currently available for teaching assistants
  • To analyze the perspectives of students and teaching assistants on the role of teaching assistants in the department
  • To investigate and analyze the cause of the lack of continuous support for teaching assistants throughout the term
  • To suggest recommendations for enhancing continuous support for teaching assistants throughout the term


Research Plan

  • Identify the problem
    • The lack of continuous support for teaching assistants throughout the term in the Computer Science department
  • Identify primary data sources
    • Survey current and former teaching assistants at the Computer Science department
    • Survey students who have taken Computer Science courses from the department
  • Compose surveys questions with an ethical introduction to the surveys
  • Analyze the results of the surveys and extract relevant information to the problem
  • Create graphics and visuals based on information from the survey
  • Come up with objective, practical, and cost-effective analyses and solutions based on the result of the research


Writing Schedule

  • March 15th: Post Progress Report for Formal Report on the team forum
  • March 17thMarch 25th: Distribute the survey questions after approval and collect data
  • March 25thMarch 27th: Create graphics and visuals based on information from the survey
  • March 29th: Complete the Formal Report Draft and posted it on the team forum
  • April 3rd: Submit the peer review of the Formal Report Draft on your team forum
  • April 4thApril 5th: Revise the Formal Report Draft based on the received peer review
  • April 12th: Complete the Formal Report and post it on the team forum as a pdf


Links to Survey



Thank you for taking the time to review my progress report for formal report. I look forward to your feedback.


2 comments on “Assignment 2:3 – Email Memo for Progress of Formal Report
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Byung,

    Thank you for posting your progress report, this looks excellent. The surveys are likewise excellent and approved to be posted. Thank you.

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