Revised Proposal Email Memo

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor
From: Long You, ENGL 301 Student

Date: Mar 15, 2023

Subject: Improving TWU student fitness participation rate at City Center Community Center

The research project on improving the TWU students’ fitness participation at City Center Community Center has started, below is the progress report as of Mar 15, 2023.

The audience of the report:
Nelson Chiu, fitness coordinator at City Center Community Center
TWU Student Service

The purpose of the report:
The main objective of this report is to explore the obstacles and incentives that hinder or encourage TWU students to engage in physical activities at the City Center Community Center. The report aims to provide recommendations to City Center Community Center on how to enhance student gym membership by utilizing the findings from the investigation.

The significance of the report: 
The significance of this report lies in its ability to identify the underlying factors that affect TWU students’ participation in physical activities at the City Center Community Center gym. By highlighting these barriers and motivations, the fitness coordinator can leverage this knowledge to enhance the gym’s service and increase student gym membership.


  • Collect and analyze first-hand physical activity data of TWU students to gain insights into their fitness participation patterns.
  • Develop actionable recommendations for TWU Student Service to improve students’ health and academic performance through increased physical activity.
  • Investigate the barriers and motivations that affect TWU students’ engagement in physical activities and provide recommendations for addressing them.
  • Advise City Center on how to customize fitness programs tailored to the specific needs and preferences of TWU students.
  • Develop strategies to increase TWU students’ gym membership at City Center Community Center by promoting the benefits of physical activity and improving gym accessibility.

Research plan:
Some of the work is completed according to the research project while others are in process.

  • Initiated research project with Nelson, who will collaborate with TWU student service to support the investigation.
  • Obtained approval from TWU student service to assist with the dissemination of the survey.
  • Developed a survey to investigate the barriers and motivations of TWU students’ fitness participation at the City Center Community Center gym.
  • Waiting for approval from the instructor, City Center, and TWU to send out the survey.
  • Collecting and analyzing data from the survey and other sources.
  • Providing recommendations to City Center Community Center based on the findings of the investigation.


  • March 15: Submit formal progress report.
  • March 20 or earlier: Send out surveys via TWU Student Service.
  • March 25: Close survey and compile results.
  • March 26: Analyze data and prepare the formal report.
  • March 29: Post the draft of the formal report.
  • April 3: Receive peer review feedback and revise the report draft.
  • April 12: Submit the final formal report.

Thank you for reviewing my progress report. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Here are the Survey questions:

TWU_Student_survey (2)



3 comments on “Revised Proposal Email Memo
  1. long you says:

    Timeline correction:
    March 26: Analyze data and prepare for the formal report

  2. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Long,

    Please post your survey so I can approve and you can proceed, alert me with an email please. Thank you, Erika

  3. long you says:

    Thanks Erika,
    Please see the update with the attached Survey questions and the link to the survey.

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