Unit 3.3 – Peer Review of Jade’s Formal Report Draft

To: Jade Duan, ENGL 301 Student (Author)

From: Michael Ly, ENGL 301 Student (Peer Reviewer)

Date: April 3, 2023 

Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report: Assimilating AI Ethics Awareness into Computer Science Course Projects 

Thank you for allowing me to review your report on exploring the current state of awareness of AI ethics among computer science students at UBC. The current state of awareness of AI ethics is an important issue that needs to be investigated in the technological landscape of our world. Please see the following sections for recommended revisions and comments. 

First Impressions 

The format of the formal report is neatly structured. The introduction provides adequate background information for the reader, introduces the AI ethics statement, and potential solutions for educating students on AI ethics. The information provided in each section of the report is self-contained. However, the report itself is addressed to Dr. Erika Paterson as opposed to the intended reader, Dr. Steve Wolfman. 


  • Including secondary sources to the problem section in the introduction to help add more context and sense of scale to the problem 
  • The brief conclusion can be discussed in the abstract, as well as the introduction section, to improve flow and structure of the report. 

Methods of Study 

  • Explanation of methods and limitations of study can be shifted into the following “Methods of Study” section to improve flow and cohesion of the report 

Literature Review 

  • Literature review section provides informative background information on the topic 
  • Adding further context to current educational methods and examples to the literature review section may enhance the reader’s sense of the scale of the problem 
  • Revision to current education methods section can be considered with the addition of context to the programs indicated to provide more clarity for the reader 

Collected Data 

  • Revising the data analysis section to include context on the relevancy of some of the survey questions on the topic of AI can help improve reader understanding 
  • The instructor’s suggestion section in the report provides surveyed opinions from Dr. Steve Wolfman who is also the intended recipient of the report. This section may benefit from surveying independent instructors to remove bias in the conclusion of the report 


  • Findings are logically summarized and proposed solutions are clearly stated 
  • Conclusion wraps up the report concisely 


  • The structure of the formal report is thoughtfully organized into sections as outlined in the table of contents. 
  • The alphabetical subheadings within each numerical header may benefit from bolding to improve readability.  
  • The body of each section is self-contained and discusses the topic corresponding to its sub-heading.  
  • The report structure will benefit from the addition of an abstract section that summarizes the report before the introduction 
  • Adding page numbers to provide order to pages of report


  • Background information provided is clear and concise 
  • Problem statement is explicitly stated with solid reasoning  
  • Secondary data explained in literature review is informative 
  • Revising Collected Data section to include more context or further elaboration may help improve reader clarity 


  • A formal objective tone is consistent throughout the report. 
  • Tone is positive throughout the report 
  • Passages regarding survey questions on willingness to do challenge assignments and practice projects can be difficult to follow in the context of AI ethics and can benefit from further elaboration 


  • The figures provided are informative and clear 
  • The figures will benefit from the addition of labels and captions to improve visual clarity and provide context for the reader. 
  • Paragraphs that describe a figure will benefit from the addition of an in-text label such as “(see fig. 1)”, if formatting in MLA. 

Concluding Comments: 

The report is an informative and interesting topic to read. Please see below for a summary of revisions and comments. 

  • Changing the recipient of the report to Dr. Steve Wolfman from Dr. Erika Paterson to align with intended reader 
  • Including secondary sources to the problem section in the introduction to add context and scale to the problem 
  • Shifting methods and limitations of study to the Methods of Study section to improve flow and cohesion of the report 
  • Revising the data analysis section to include context on the relevancy of some of the survey questions on the topic of AI can help improve reader understanding 
  • Surveying independent instructors to remove bias in the conclusion of the report 
  • Adding an abstract section to help provide a brief summary of the report 
  • Adding page numbers to provide order to pages of report
  • Adding labels and captions to figures to improve visual clarity and provide context for the reader 

Thank you for the opportunity to review this report. It has been a pleasure to read. Please do not hesitate to reach out by email at michael.ly239@gmail.com if there are any questions or concerns.



Enclosed: http://blogs.ubc.ca/engl30199c2022w2/files/2023/03/ENGL301-Jade-Duan-Draft-of-Formal-Report.docx

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