Target Audience: Prospective Employers in the Healthcare Oncology Field located in the USA

This website will act as a evolving portfolio of my work throughout the course of ENGL 301 and showcasing the skills obtained throughout this course. The writing skills curated throughout this course aids in my ability to communicate more effectively in the healthcare field. This course circulates through four distinct units, covering principles of technical and business writing, writing a report proposal, developing social network strategies through LinkedIn, and constructing a formal final report. Throughout this course, students were able to work on their own resume and job application packages. This course aimed to introduce students to the myriad nature of technical writing, to provide opportunities to practice developing skills, and to engage and challenge writers in various communication contexts. As a result, the education received through this course provided me with a strong platform to utilize my writing skills to better my experience in the healthcare field supporting patients and providers in oncology.

My name is Morgan Lorenz and I am an undergraduate student studying remotely from the Bay Area in California. By day, I work in healthcare communications in the biotechnology field, but by night am completing my undergraduate degree in Kinesiology at UBC. I have worked at UBC within the Alma Mater Society, the UBC Senate, and the Kinesiology Undergraduate Society during my time at UBC. I am passionate about advocacy, equity, and championing for others and have transitioned this love from supporting students to patients in the healthcare setting. Communication is an essential skill to be able to navigate in this world we are living in, especially in healthcare troubled by multiple syndemics during this past year. Communication is needed to be effective, clear, and tangible to comprehend for all individuals, which in healthcare can be challenging to do. I hope that through the knowledge obtained in this course, I am able to improve my communication skills as I transition into post-graduate work and become a professional in pharmaceutical industries or in healthcare administration. I am curious about opportunities based in the United States, with special interest in employment supporting cancer patients and survivors.


To learn more about my work experience, please click the “About Me“, “Application Package” or the “Resume” tab.

To learn more about my time in ENGL 301, please click the “Reflections on ENGL 301” tab.

To see more of my writing submissions for ENGL 301, please click the “Webfolio” tab.