To: Jonathan Tam, Student in ENGL 301 Technical Writing at UBC
From: Morgan Lorenz, Student in ENGL 301 Technical Writing at UBC
Date: September 24, 2021
Subject: Invitation to ENGL 301 Writing Team Position

Good morning, Jonathan!

I hope this message finds you safe and in good health. I am ecstatic that Danisa was able to connect with you upon joining our writing team and do hope you consider our invitation. I know that you would bring valuable experience to the team with your background. This would definitely promote some constructive discussions around the problems behind communication and being innovative during this next term. I understand that growth is a goal of yours throughout this next term, which is similar to how Danisa and I plan to endeavor this next term as well! I look forward to learning further with you over this next term.

Please let me know if you would like to discuss this offer further and see if this would work for you. Enclosed is a copy of my application that provides a glimpse into my background. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!


Morgan Lorenz

See Attached: Morgan Lorenz Application Letter 301