3.3 Unit Three Reflections Blog


Researching my formal report


After conducting thorough research with empirical articles to use as substantive evidence to back up the survey results, I was able to conduct outreach to several groups of undergraduate students to gather more information on current education limitations on health and wellness impacting undergraduate students at UBC. This data was informative towards understanding the importance of further education and one that is uniquely tailored to the needs and requirements of undergraduate students. Articles were researched across multiple databases through the UBC library, including PubMed and Taylor & Francis. Supplementary secondary articles were captured by researching on websites including New York Times and Google Scholar. 


Organizing my formal report


Having completed extensive research on my topic area, organizing the formal report solidified and came into focus as I had a clear vision of what I wanted to address. Utilizing factual (primary or secondary) evidence to substantiate my claims, I was able to provide further evidence to the claims aiming to address in the formal report. I constructed an outline that allowed for me to expand further over time on the steps required to complete the report and provide informative points to back my claims. The final steps organizing my report came from the data collected from the survey and backed by evidence collected in the survey documentation.  


Writing my formal report


After completing thorough research and developing a thorough outline, I worked further on the recommendations and conclusion section before proceeding with filling in the gaps in the report. I wanted to be sure that the recommendations were constructive, clear, and holistically addressed by all points made before the conclusion. After completion on the conclusion and recommendation, I worked through the rest of the report and made sure that I was addressing niches needing to be filled as well as ensuring evidence was backed with the proper citations. The material I now realize may need to shift as it may not be the exact structure the formal report may be looking for. I will be reviewing the work submitted and improving it over the course of the next two days to ensure all expectations are met with the final submission. I learned how to write a constructive, data driven report that was informed and researched with focus on advanced technical writing. I understand I still have work to do and look forward to improving my current work with the final submission.

