Reflection Blog on Webfolio

Pulling together the final submission of the term, I was meticulous reviewing all of my feedback, notes from assignments, and ensuring all of my final submissions met the criteria required for final submission of the webfolio. Over the course of a total of 18 hours in a week, I reviewed all of the material needed for the final submission and ensured that each component was to be met in the final portfolio and did my best to ensure my best foot was placed forward. My weaknesses with my final webfolio includes feeling challenged by adding navigational components into the website. Throughout this term, I felt perplexed learning a whole new platform for submitting material and this was a necessary challenge that allowed for me to be patient with myself, take my time when ensuring all assessment criteria was met, and encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone with the material required for the course. By being able to take the time to go through all of my submitted materials and edit it to the best of my ability to submit with the required edits- it took time and patience and I was thorough with my submissions to ensure I did my best with the final documents. I know that my weakness with the final portfolio is the submission of the formal report because I caught COVID-19 and was at the hospital during the same time frame that the material was required to be completed. I know that because of my health outcomes, this hindered my performance and final submission of the formal report for this course. I took the feedback given to me by both Dr. Paterson and Danisa Rambling and used it to the best of my ability to enhance my final work, which can be reviewed now on the webfolio page on this site. This was a challenging submission due to my health barriers and not being able to meet the required deadlines on time for the final report. I am very thankful for Dr. Paterson for her patience during this time and working together with me to ensure I was still able to complete the assignment. I would argue that my perseverance throughout this course is one of my strengths. I had numerous hospitalizations over this past academic term that resulted in some academic challenges but I pushed through them to ensure I would complete the courses. I did my best, which I am proud of and what was expected of me considering the circumstances of medical issues in the past three months. I am grateful for the patience of both my writing team, Twirling Gold, and our instructor, Dr. Erika Paterson, for their collective support and understanding throughout this term.

I think the biggest lesson learned from pulling together the webfolio is accepting that learning technical writing isn’t perfect- and it is really important to be cognitive of overuse of pronoun usage. I definitely noticed a trend in my final month in ENGL 301 that I was making the mistake of using too many and would be doing better if I was a lot more cognizant of this. This is a lesson I will take after course completion and into my everyday work professionally and in postgraduate work. I believe this lesson was particularly important for me because my goal at the beginning of the term was to be more aware of vernacular use and being more concise. I believe after edits I have been able to be more concise but I believe I still need to work on being more concise. This isn’t necessarily instinctual for me and it is something to work on further after completion of this course.

This webfolio taught me about the importance of organization, technology navigation on UBC Blogs, and being more aware of my language and vernacular choice in further technical writing opportunities. This course provided me with ample opportunities to hone these skills and I am gathering that I need to continue to work and improve on them in the postgraduate work to come. I know that the lessons I have learned from this course will support me further in growing as a technical writer in the postgraduate work force and especially in the healthcare field.