Acceptance of Professional Writing Team Invitations

To: Aleem Tariq, 
From: Richard Chen, 
Date: September 22, 2020
Subject: RE: ENGL 301 Writing Team Invitation

Hello Aleem,

Thank you for your email inviting me to the professional writing team. I am always happy to connect with another Bachelor of Computer Science student given the variety in backgrounds that we come from. While reviewing your biography and qualifications, I could not help but relate to your motivation to pursue computing science in order to explore the possibilities in our respective former degree. I believe having that mutual understanding will enable us to work well together, and your analytical approach to writing will certainly be an asset to the team.

I also appreciate that you acknowledge your weakness in writing, and have taken steps to address that by enrolling into this class. Having that self-awareness will surely benefit the team when the course reaches the stage of peer-review.

With that said, I happily accept your invitation to join the ENGL 301 professional writing team, and hope to work together soon.

Thank you,
Richard Chen
301 Richard Chen Application letter
To: Syed Ahmed,
From: Richard Chen, 
Date: September 22, 2020
Subject: RE: ENGL 301 Writing Team Invitation

Hello Syed,

Thank you for your email inviting me to the professional writing team. On my review of your background, I was really impressed by the magnitude, and number of your achievements directly attributed to writing. I have no doubt in my mind that a published author of scientific articles, as well as theses, would make you a leading asset in the team. Combined with your healthy appreciation of criticism and self-review, I am grateful that a well-balanced individual such as yourself has extended me this offer.

As such, I happily accept your invitation to join the ENGL 301 professional writing team, and hope to work together soon.

Thank you,
Richard Chen
301 Richard Chen Application letter
To: Elton Kok, 
From: Richard Chen, 
Date: September 22, 2020
Subject: RE: ENGL 301 Writing Team Invitation

Hello Elton,

Thank you for your email inviting me to the professional writing team. I certainly agree that the alignment in our background as Bachelor of Computer Science students would contribute towards a strong basis for team dynamic in our writing team. I greatly appreciate your detail in the review of my application letter, as well as your kind words.

Likewise, I find your experience in writing scientific reports to be a valuable asset, and your willingness to be versatile despite the situation will surely complement our team well.

As such, I happily accept your invitation to join the ENGL 301 professional writing team, and hope to work together soon.

Thank you,
Richard Chen
301 Richard Chen Application letter


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