Tuesday Jan 26: Student Blogs

Good Tuesday Morning 470

I have posted all your blogs onto our student blog page – and have passed a most interesting weekend reading your introductions, thank you all. We are most certainly an interesting and diverse group of people, and I am most pleased with the spirit of enthusiasm throughout your posts, as well as the many dialogues that you have begun to shape; excellent.

Many of you have already begun the process of commenting and creating dialogues on each other’s blogs – and that is excellent as well. Today is the day to ensure you have commented, following the guidelines, on at least two different blogs – and, be sure to respond promptly to all the comments you receive — even if you only have time to read and say thank you.

I hope you enjoy the challenge of my questions for this week, and I look forward to reading your comments and your responses. Enjoy, and please do not hesitate to ask your questions on our Facebook page – or share interesting links. It is a good idea to post on FaceBook each time you post a new blog – this will help stimulate dialogue as well. Thanks.

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