Author Archives: AlexandraSinclair

Assignment 1:1

Hey everyone! It’s great to virtually meet you. I’m excited to take this class and learn about writing and Culture in Canada, as I have never taken any course like this one. I’m a 4th year business student here at UBC and I’m specializing in Marketing with a focus in brand management. This past summer I interned with a real estate software company and am continuing to work for them throughout the school year. Writing blogs is one of my tasks at work which I have greatly enjoyed,so I look forward to channelling my experience into this course. I returned three weeks ago from a semester abroad in Paris and although I had an incredible time, I am very happy to be back.  I would strongly encourage anyone who is interested in studying in France to check out Sciences Po.  I’m originally from a small town called Mill Bay on Vancouver Island but my family moved over to Vancouver in September. 

I am particularly excited to learn about indegenous traditions of literature and orature as the University of British Columbia is situated on indegenous land and is a very historical location. I believe storytelling to be one of the most essential and valuable methods of communication amongst every culture and civilization. People from a variety of different backgrounds are able to relate to each other through sharing stories and I hope that we can create stories for future generations to share with pride. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to study Canadian literature from the unique and historical perspective that this course will provide. I have taken very few online courses so I am interested to see how this compares to an in-class learning experience. My background in business makes me particularly interested in business relations with indigenous communities which my Business Communications course has touched on as well.

I appreciate that you have taken the time to read my blog and I am looking forward to collaborating with my peers over the duration of this semester!