
What Home Means to Other People

What Home Means to Other People by wongelawit zewde

I read blogs of Sophie Dafesh, Jack Hauen, Indra Isita, Maya Sumel, Gaby Rienhart, , Navid Yazdani. I used a simple Math to choose these people’s story. There are 43 students in this class, so I divided 42(excluding myself) by 7 and took the names on the product of 7 on the list. I will be referring to everyone as they/them since I don’t know their preferred pronoun. Here is what I found:

All of them have similar sense home, that home is not necessarily a physical house, but it is more what they connected most with. Most of them had to leave home or travel to have a sense of home and what it meant in their life. When they were away from what they thought home, they found acceptance, safety, love and security which helped them redefine what home meant for them.

For Sophie, who grew up in LA, home is the memories and the people they grew up with. There is a picture of LA we all have but for them it is beyond that. That picture of LA is known for is not home for them. Jack’s home is the most unique one, in my opinion. They found home in a person, their girlfriend. They did not have the sense home until they met her two years ago. They are living in Toronto now and thinking moving back to the west but for him as long as she is there, it is home. I know, this is so sweet. Indra finds home in family. Even though they grew up in Canada, they felt the most home when she travelled to Europe for the first time with their family. In sense, home is binging with people in the right place. For Maya, home is being with people they felt safe and secure with. They did not find that whey they grew up until they travelled to Europe. Gaby finds home wherever their soul is connected to. They grew up in the Bay Area, but they didn’t find home there as they were not close with their family. They only found when in themselves, their soul. I think this is beautiful. Navid’s home is a literal home, cozy and filled people they loved.

Story written by wongelawit zewde


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