an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

e-Portfolio Landscapes – UWaterloo Videoconference

On November 15th, UWaterloo invited me to give a 15-minute videoconference presentation to the attendees at their e-Portfolio Day. They were particularly interested in hearing about the variety of pilot projects here at UBC, how the projects are structured, and about our Community of Practice. It would have been great to be able to attend their day and hear more detail about what they’re doing. According to Tracy Penny-Light, who is the Instructional Project Manager at UWaterloo’s Center for Learning & Teaching Through Technology, e-portfolios at UWaterloo are in a similar place to where UBC was in Year 1 of our campus-wide pilot. Tracy gave more information about the “UWaterloo e-portfolio landscape”: at our Nov 19th conference.

I was videoconferenced into the event about 15 minutes prior to my time slot and was able to watch the tail end of the demo of the KEEP ToolKit. “Toru Iiyoshi”:, from the Carnegie Foundation’s Knowledge Media Lab, was presenting. My ears perked up at the mention that the KEEP Toolkit will soon be available to individual institutions to download.

“View UWaterloo’s e-Portfolio Day agenda.”:


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