ETUG Workshop
Our blog has been a little quiet this month…conference preps, pilot projects launching, etc. have kept Alison & I very busy. So, time to catch up on a number of things…
BCCampus hosted ETUG’s Fall Workshop on Educational Technology on November 4th & 5th at BCIT’s downtown campus. It was a full day of interesting panels and presentations on a variety of topics. I was a panelist on a morning panel titled “E-Portfolio Trends (K-12, Industry, Post-Secondary) with Tracy Penny-Light (UWaterloo), Victor Leginsky (Lifia), and Tim Winkelmans (Open School BC). Tracy & I actually co-presented on the collaborative research project both our universities have engaged in with David Tosh from the University of Edinburgh.
Our very own Director of Learning Technology, Michelle Lamberson, participated in the Institutional Project Reports giving an overview of the Vista Pilot Project here at UBC.
After lunch, there were a series of birds of a feather sessions. Michelle, Tracy & I attended the one on e-portfolios. It was a great oppotunity to meet other folks in the province who are working with e-portfolios, including Cheryl Porter (North Island College) and Mary O’Neill (Malaspina).
Here’s a link for more info on the day:
As well, I understand there are a number of discussion postings in the BCCampus Online Community Space that came out of the day. Become a member of BCCampus’ Online Communites here:
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