an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

e-Portfolio Samples

One of the gaps on the e-portfolio website identified by our community is the lack of example e-portfolios. We’re working on a series of examples to post in the next month or so. We’ll also include examples of reflections as one of the top questions asked by students in the pilots is “Can you show me an example of a good reflection?”

Aligned with this effort, Bjorn Thomson, our MEd. student who coordinates 3 of our pilots, has started a Teaching e-Portfolio wiki. Bjorn’s done a wonderful job of collecting examples of teaching e-portfolios as well as building his own in the various softwares we’re piloting. I think you’ll find this is a great resource for the community. We’ll certainly add this resource to the website!


1 Karina { 02.14.05 at 12:54 pm }

Great! I look forward to seeing the demo portfolios.

And my hat’s off to Bjorn Thomson for his work on the wiki–another great idea, and a great resource. Are there any plans for a general ePortfolio wiki?

2 kele { 02.15.05 at 9:37 am }

Hi Karina:

Thanks for the feedback! Yes, a general e-Portfolio wiki is an idea we’ve tossed around…In the fullness of time we’ll pull one together.


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