an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

e-Portfolio White Paper – Univ of Iowa College of Education

Thought I’d point to a very nice resource from the University of Iowa College of Education, a white paper published in 2002 entitled “A WHITE PAPER ON PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT IN TEACHER EDUCATION: The Iowa ePortfolio Model”, accessible at

The paper outlines their approach to introducing and supporting e-portfolios as a professional and personal tool. AS well, it provides a section on the employer perspective on this effort. I believe this will be interesting to both students and faculty. It has a strong focus on the requirements of teacher education within Iowa, but I believe that there is much to learni from the approach.

THe whitepaper describes a three part model that takes into account the the concept of development – what you need to do to get a student started (focus on practical!), how you engage them further and support they their increase in understanding of their learning over time, and how you help them once they have graduated…

The process outlined moves the students from focusing on their course requirements to a broader understanding. I need to read a little deeper to see how reflection is encouraged throughout.

Figures 2 and 3 are quite interesting in this paper — looking at the timelines from both student and faculty points of view. It would be interesting to look at our projects and see what our timelines look like – given their broad range in context and purposes.

Figure 4 is also useful — what is the technical framework required…

Interesting read!


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