an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

InAlbum as digital storytelling tool

Recently, a friend of my sister created a VCD photoalbum. The photoalbum consists of all the pictures they’ve taken over the past few years. It’s funny that the “photoalbum” sort of become a digital story to me when I was watching it. It is like a documentary of their friendship… and they even “reflected” that they improved their skills in posing…

She used a software called InAlbum (

I tried out the tool and it’s very user friendly and easy to use. I managed to create a quick movie (with 3 pictures due to the limitations of the trial version of the software) in less than 10 minutes. Overall, the experience is fun. IT’s always good to do fun things at work 🙂

The software allows you to export the movie into different formats including: Flash, VCD/AVI, Wallpaper, Screensaver, or even in print.

Here’s my first try of digital storytelling:

This is cross-posted on the Alison’s Blog as well.


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