an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

iWebfolio v3 Demo Summary

Earlier in April, Kele, myself and a handful of CoP members attended a demo session for the new version (version 3) of iWebfolio. This demo showed us the live version of what was demo-ed back in January. This version of iWebfolio will be released later in the summer.

There are some new features in iWebfolio that we would like to share with the community.*New Features*

* There will be a social networking component in iWebfolio. This would mean adding a “permission tree” and group-based access level to portfolios and/or parts of portfolio content. [not available in early v3.0, but possibly later releases].
* Users will be able to use WebDav to upload files to iWebfolio (instead of using the web interface). Given the ability to use WebDav, users can download all associated files and e-portfolios in one go.
* Report function.
** Nuventive is working on making the reporting mechanism more robust.
** Improve ability to use reports for assessment.
* Flexible look and feel –> puts more responsibility on the students to manage the look and feel; gives them more control.
* Attachments, reflections, self-rate all on one page now (fewer mouse clicks).
* Built-in HTML editor/WYSIWYG, similar to WebCT


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