an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

NLII Becomes EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative

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NLII Becomes EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative

We are pleased to announce that the National Learning Infrastructure Initiative (NLII) has completed its transition to the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI).

Under the leadership of EDUCAUSE Vice President Diana G. Oblinger, the strategic planning team and our current NLII members have reframed the organization’s mission to be advancing learning through IT innovation. ELI will be focused on learners and
successful learning-a unique emphasis in the teaching and learning with technology community. We will explore three areas in particular: learners, learning principles and practices, and learning technologies.

7 things your should know about…

ELI is taking the best of NLII programs and services and building on them, offering extensive online resources; member-only Web seminars; a new briefing series called “7 Things You Should Know About…”


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