an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

OSPI 2.0 Load Test Results

Just a quick heads up to our community members about my response to the OSPI 2.0 load test:

Q1) Did you get any system errors? If yes, describe in details (script name and step, or describe what you were doing).
No… but probably some browser display errors.

  1. I can’t join a worksite at first, I tried several times in Firefox for Mac, and Safari. Then I tried it out in Firefox on a WinXP machine. It still took me a few tries to join the TESTSITE
  2. Step 3: Adding contact info. The drop down menu simply doesn’t show anything on the Mac. I have to use the Windows machine to add contact info.
  3. Adding reflection page, it crashed Firefox for Mac.
  4. Resetting the Matrix didn’t work in Firefox for Windows.

Q2) Describe system response time in seconds. If response is slow, please note the function that is slow.
It is pretty slow at all times.


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