an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

Online seminar on e-Portfolio July 7

Thanks for Cyprien for pointing out an upcoming online e-Portfolio Seminar:

July 7: Trent Batson on E-Portfolios

Trent Batson
Information and Instructional Technology Services
University of Rhode Island

Topic: The Current State of E-Portfolios in Higher Education
Date: July 7, 2005
Time: 1:00 p.m. EDT (12:00 p.m. CDT, 11:00 a.m. MDT, 10:00 a.m.
)); international participants: You may wish to visit this external
time-conversion Web site to calculate the event’s start time in your
time zone.
Duration: 1 hour

According to Casey Green’s 2004 Campus Computing Survey, the number
of institutions offering e-portfolios doubled from the previous year
to nearly one-third of institutions in the United States. Growth is as
rapid in the United Kingdom and other European countries, as well as
Australia and Canada.

At this seminar, join Trent Batson as he maps the national
e-portfolio sector and offers recommendations for campus e-portfolio
strategies from the viewpoint of campus IT. Batson served for nearly
two years on the board of the Open Source Portfolio Initiative (OSPI)
and is an IT administrator at the University of Rhode Island.

The seminar is free, but registration is required and virtual seating
is limited. REGISTER NOW.


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