an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

UBC Transitions Program

During the first week of June, Alison & I attended the orientation for new students entering UBC’s Transition Program. The core mission of this program is as follows (from the website):

    The University Transition Program is designed to support academic excellence while promoting social and emotional development of academically gifted adolescents who are committed to the goal of early entrance to university. Graduates of the two-year program achieve early entrance to UBC by writing the four provincial examinations required by the faculty of their choice

e-Portfolios are one of the methods being used to help students acheive their goals within the program. One of the orientation activities was to have students from last year’s cohort present their e-portfolios to the new students. We saw 4 students present their e-portfolios. The students used a wide-range of software tools to build their e-portfolios…KEEP Toolkit to Dreamweaver to LiveJournal. It was exciting to see the students so engaged in the process and talking about portfolios and reflection with such enthusiasm. This coming year will see all students in the program building e-portfolios. I believe they’ll be using ELGG as a tool.

1 comment

1 Betty Gilgoff { 06.23.05 at 6:56 pm }

It was fabulous to have Kele, Alison and Maryam come out to see the students presentations. I think that as well as the eportfolios being, hopefully, a worthwhile endeavor for the students in terms of documenting their learning and their lives, having members of the UBC e-portfolio community interested in seeing how these students develop and use e-portfoios, helps to raise the level of authenticiy for the students.

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