an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

Dave Tosh Presenting at UBC

Dave Tosh will open UBC’s TLT Series on October 12th with a talk titled, “Creation of a learning landscape: homogenizing weblogging, social networking.” Dave’s talk with not be a demo of the ELGG tool but will be a conceptual conversation around social software in education.

Here is the official event announcement and registration information…
Please join us on October 12, 2005, for the first Teaching and Learning Technology Seminar Series talk of the 2005-06 Academic Year. David Tosh, a U21 Visiting Scholar from the University of Edinburgh, will share with us his thoughts on “Creation of a learning landscape: homogenizing weblogging, social networking.”
Our thanks to the Faculty of Education (CMS) for hosting this talk.

Registration is limited, so please sign up early at:

Please feel free to forward this others who might be interested in this topic.

Title: Creation of a learning landscape: homogenizing weblogging, social networking and e-portfolios
Facilitator: David Tosh, U21 Visiting Scholar, University of Edinburgh Date & Time: October 12, 2005, 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM

Location: Scarfe 310, hosted by the Faculty of Education (CMS)

Do we really know and understand the online environments our students are or could be expecting? What can we learn from the whole suite of web applications now available and being used by many entering higher education? This talk will explore the

potential of embracing these new technologies and discuss ways to integrate them into current systems creating a true online learning landscape.

About David Tosh:
Coming from an inter-disciplinary background, David obtained his first degree in geography, he then went on to gain a Masters in software development and is currently writing a PhD at the University of Edinburgh researching educational technologies

supervised by Professor Jeff Haywood. For the past four years David has worked as a web developer focusing on solutions for higher education. He is currently a U21 visiting scholar at UBC. As a staff member of University of Edinburgh, David was

responsible for the design and build of an e-portfolio being piloted across eight European countries and to provide insight into how the project would benefit from utilising the e-portfolio, practical considerations and possible future developments.

Other areas of research include working on a learning landscape model and exploring ways to homogenise everyday web technologies and practises to enhance the online learning experience.


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