an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

Kele’s Educause Report #2

Day 2
EPAC Lives!!

I went to a couple of e-portfolio sessions today. One of them was co-facilitated by John Ittelson, who is one of the key drivers behind the EPAC (e-Portfolio Action Committee) community. It was great to reconnect with John and hear about the new EPAC initiative that will be starting up. I sat down for lunch with John, George Lorenzo and Marij Veugelers and Wijnand Aalderink, from the Netherlands, to talk about how EPAC could encompass an international community.

Stay tuned for more details on EPAC. It sounds like John, with the help of other EPAC members like Helen Chen (Stanford), will be resurrecting their monthly web chat confernces. There’s also talk of a Ready2Net Broadcast on e-portfolios in 2006.


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