an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

TLT Talk: Opportunities for Reflection and Community-Building Using Emerging Technologies

Helen Chen (Stanford) will be here at UBC this Friday March 3 to share her thoughts on emerging technologies and community building. Helen’s work is very much aligned with the work of UBC’s e-Portfolio Community of Practice with crossovers on research and reflection.
This talk is hosted by Skylight in the Faculty of Science.

Here’s a short description of the topics Helen will be covering:

How can we identify and build opportunities for students to effectively reflect upon and integrate formal and informal learning experiences in a language and format that is relevant to how today’s students understand and live their lives? Drawing from examples from Stanford’s Folio Thinking research program and the work of the National Coalition on Electronic Portfolio Research, this session will engage participants in an interactive discussion about theoretical models for framing ePortfolio design and research, the potential contributions of the ePortfolio model to assessment and scholarship of teaching and learning efforts, and scaffolding and facilitating reflective thinking using wikis, blogs, and other social software technologies.

It’s not too late to attend this excellent talk! You can register here:


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