an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

UBC Learning Conference – Call for Proposals

This year UBC’s e-Portfolio Conference has been rolled into the larger UBC Learning Conference. This is a wonderful development in a couple of ways:

  1. UBC’s funded campus-wide e-portfolio pilot wraps up at the end of April and the conference, planned for May 11 & 12, is the perfect venue for our community and projects to report out on their successes, challenges, future plans. This larger conference will provide a wider, more diverse audience for this.
  2. The theme of this year’s conference is “At a Crossroads in Teaching: Reflection, Innovation, Technology, Learning,” a perfect fit for discourse on the advantages and disadvantages of a particular approach to teaching and learning (folio thinking & reflection) and it’s associated technologies (e-portfolios, blogs, & social software).

The Call for Proposals is now out, marked with a March 10/06 deadline. So, bring your innovative ideas on teaching and learning, using technology in the classroom, and student engagement forward and submit something!

Follow this site for more details about the conference as they become available:


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