an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

Waiting on a solution!

From day 1 of UBC’s campus-wide e-portfolio pilot, one of the key goals has been to choose a campus-wide software solution. It has become clear that that goal, first stated 3 years ago, was ahead of it’s time. We haven’t yet had success with this one and have found that a one-size fits all may not be the way to go. However, recently announced developments with a number of tools (WebCT, iWebfolio, Keep Toolkit, Elgg) give us hope that an easy-to-use and scaleable solution may be in our future.

A message came through on a WebCT listserv this morning detailing the top 5 reasons to upgrade to WebCT Campus Edition 6. Reason # 4, copied in below, is to get ready for the WebCT Portfolio. A number of our pilots have used WebCT (the student presentation) for student e-portfolios. We’re looking forward to seeing how this will work and are hopeful that it will indeed be easy to learn.

4. Get ready for the WebCT Portfolio!

Moving to WebCT Campus Edition 6 will also pave the way for
you to start using the WebCT Portfolio. Targeted for release
in the first half of 2006, the WebCT Portfolio is a personal
portfolio solution that will make portfolio initiatives easy
for institutions to manage and for students and instructors
to learn.


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