OSP 1.5 Generic Template for UBC
OSP 1.5 Generic Template for UBC is up and running (I have especially designed this template using UBC colors). With this generic template, users can create an e-Portfolio that contains any type of items. This template has 6 categories: Personal Information, Education, Career, Skills, Professional Practices, and Recognition. These categories are developed/derived from the original OSP 1.5 hierachy.
I have a sample public e-Portfolio using this template on the server which you can take a look and get an idea of how it looks like.
Sample: http://station17.olt.ubc.ca:8800/portfolio/renderView.do?shareId=50
Please feel free to comment and provide ideas on it.
1 mitch { 10.01.04 at 3:51 pm }
It looks really great, alison. 🙂
And… it has PENGUINS!! ():D
I like it just the way it is, but if I have to give a suggestion, it would be: what about reducing the thickness of the grey vertical bars next to each section *very* slightly? Or making them a lighter shade of grey?
2 Alison { 10.18.04 at 11:48 am }
Thanks Mitch! Sounds right to me… at least I would like to have it with a ligther shade 🙂
3 Anne { 10.19.04 at 4:18 pm }
Hi Alison, This template is fabulous; does it “belong” to UBC or could it be used by others from other institutions?
4 Alison { 10.20.04 at 5:45 pm }
Thanks for your feedback, Anne. I will check about the ownership policy with the template. Please check back next week.
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