an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

e-Portfolios at Dalhousie

Earlier this year, I spoke with Colleen Adl, who is working with e-portfolios at Dalhousie. Colleen and I first met last summer at the OSPI Conference in San Franciso.

Dalhousie started piloting e-portfolios with individual students last fall and launched class pilots in January. It looks like they’re dedicated to using OSPI (1.5, I believe) in their pilot. 300 students registered in 9 different classes (leadership, health & human management, career services) will participate. I’ll keep in touch with Colleen because it will be interesting to hear their feedback on OSPI.

And, I recently came across this site that outlines Dalhousie’s plans for e-portfolio use and practice:


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