an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

September Once More

We survived the first week of September…the sudden population explosion on campus, the long food lines, the crowded buses, the launch of new e-portfolio pilots!

Here’s a brief synopsis of what’s new on UBC’s e-portfolio landscape this fall:

  • Dave Tosh (UEdinburgh) is here on campus putting a personal touch on his research in some of our pilots. You can contact Dave through our office for now.
  • We launch 4 new pilots this year: English (Sept), Medicine (Jan), Pathology (Sept), International Peer Program (Sept). More info on each of these new pilots & our continuing pilots can be found on the e-Learning website.
  • The Science project will be presenting at the ISSoTL Conference here in Vancouver this fall.
  • Our iWebfolio users (mostly faculty members through TAG’s pilot) have been moved to the new version of the software. Alison & Bjorn demo-ed this new release at our July CoP meeting. If you’d like more info or to see a demo, please contact Alison.
  • We have postponed our e-Portfolio Conference to March 2006. As this is our final year of funding for the campus-wide pilot it makes more sense to hold the conference closer to the end of the academic year. This will really give our pilots an opportunity to report out on their investigations and findings. More information on confirmed dates and venues will coming soon!


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