an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

Collaborative Communities of Practice

Some of you may be interested in the upcoming online conference & workshop this group is putting on…

Collaborative Communities of Practice Online Conference, Fall 2005 CoPs as Learning Networks Co-Sponsored by iCohere, Inc. and CPsquare

September 27 and 28, 2005

Sign up before September 19 to receive the Early Bird discount of 25% off.Join thought leaders like Etienne Wenger and Jack Merklein and a host of other experts on communities of practice for the third annual Collaborative Communities of Practice online conference, CoPs as Learning Networks. This online (virtual) conference looks at the best of practice in the present, while also exploring innovative, emerging practices that will be important to your future success.

Experts and practitioners from a variety of corporations, associations, educational institutions and government organizations will interact over this two-day online event. Participate at your own pace, without the inconvenience, expense or time required to attend a traditional conference. As part of a dynamic online community, you’ll experience the very collaborative technologies and practices the conference addresses!


“Learning for a Small Planet,” with Etienne Wenger, globally recognized thought leader and author of “Situated Learning” (where the term “community of practice” was coined)

“Blending Communities of Practice and Training,” with Jack Merklein, Director, Knowledge & Learning, Xerox Global Services, Inc.

“Collaboration at CSC: From Virtual Teams to Communities,” with Mark Neff, Senior Member of the Advisory Staff, Computer Sciences Corporation

“Building Association Learning Networks Using Social Media,” with Jeff De Cagna, Co-founder of Association Renewal LLC and Chief Strategist and Founder of Principled Innovation

“Going Statewide: Networking Learners,” with Sheryl Hansen, Director, Professional Development Programs, Ohio Learning Network

For more information, see

If you are interested in a deeper and broader introduction to learning about how collaborative communities of practice can benefit institutions of higher education, you might be interested in our four-week online workshop on the topic that starts September 27 – see


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The Collaborative Communities of Practice 2005 Conference is produced by:

iCohere, Inc.
1220 Oakland Boulevard, Suite 210
Walnut Creek, CA 94595
For questions and inquiries, contact us at


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