an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

BCCampus Webcast Summary

Bjorn Thomson and I hosted a webcast for the BCCampus community yesterday on e-portfolios. Our plan was to give an overview of this year’s e-portfolio pilots and plans at UBC, and to talk specifically about how some of our pilots are using reflection. But, the hour (actually it turned out to be almost an hour & a half) morphed into a very interesting discussion with the participants on the do’s and don’t’s of setting up an e-portfolio approach, the immaturity of the software market, and how to establish important policies (such as privacy and ownership).

It was a small group but many contexts were represented. Here’s what our attendance list looked like:

  • someone from the e-portfolio tech industry (Chalk & Wire)
  • a teacher from North Van SD
  • a project manager from UVic’s Distant Ed program
  • a manager from a downtown sales firm

It made for a very interesting conversation and these folks really drew out a lot of the issues we are grappling with in our pilots at UBC.

If you like to access the archive of the webcast, the following are 2 different routes:


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