an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

ELI Web Seminar

UBC’s own Cyprien Lomas (an ELI Scholar-in-Residence) will be faciliatating a 1-hour web seminar on November 8 10am PST titled, “New Learning Technologies and Emergent Practices in Higher Education.” THe seminar is free to ELI members – UBC is a member.

Here is a description of this online event:

New technologies are changing how we teach and learn in classrooms as well as informal learning spaces. Techniques such as blogging, podcasting, and videoblogging once used by tight-knit groups of techies have emerged as key strategies of established media corporations. Social software practices like tagging and intelligent searching are changing how we process information and can potentially change what happens in our formal and informal learning spaces.

Join Cyprien Lomas in exploring a cross section of emerging technologies and practices—including gaming, mobile applications, and social and collaborative applications—as well as strategies for integrating them into campus environments. We’ll discuss:

How do these technologies meet the needs of different types of learners and promote deeper learning?
What are the potential implications of students equipped with these technologies?
How might they disrupt our existing teaching and learning practices?
How do they fit with existing campus infrastructure and support systems?
What are the fiscal implications of their widespread adoption?
What are the policy issues raised by their use?



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