an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

Digital Storytelling Workshop

Cyprien Lomas (LFS/AGSC) & Bjorn Thomson (TAG/OLT) will be co-leading a session on digital storytelling here at UBC next week. Here are the details…

Facilitator: Bjorn Thomson, Centre for Teaching and Academic Growth (TAG)/Educational Studies and Cyprien Lomas, Faculty of Land and Food Systems
Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Time: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Location: Seminar Room, Basement of David Lam Building

Looking for a way to engage your students? Want another way to get your students to ‘own’ their ePortfolios? Would you like to help your students connect deeply with course material and understand concepts rather than just the facts? Then you may be interested in this session on digital storytelling. Digital stories are one way to get students to ‘teach to learn’ using narrative and reflection. Students produce, orchestrate and remix content to create ‘mini-movies’ that are educational and compelling. Often using software that is free, easy to learn, and user-friendly, students are able to express themselves in new ways. Educators find that students who use digital stories produce work that is reflective, and conceptually rich. In addition, they learn some valuable technical skills in the process. Come to our session for an overview of the impact of digital storytelling. We will show a number of examples and outline some of the tools needed to create (and re-create) digital stories in your own classes.

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