an archive of the 2003-2006 pilot project

TLT Talk: Data Mining for Evaluation, Benchmarking and Reflective Practice

Liz Heathcote, a Visiting Scholar from the Teaching and Learning Support Services Department of Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Australia) has been on a study leave here at UBC for the past month. She has been doing some very exciting work related to how one uses the data from Learning Management Systems in support of quality teaching and learning, a topic she spoke on at the recent eLearn conference in Vancouver. She has agreed to give us an overview of this work in the form of a Teaching and Learning with Technology seminar.

Please join us in the afternoon of December 5, 2005 (2:30-4pm) for a Teaching and Learning with Technology Seminar Series talk entitled, “Data Mining for Evaluation, Benchmarking and Reflective Practice in a Learning Management System”.

Registration is limited, so please sign up early at:


1 Paul Beaufait { 12.02.05 at 12:41 am }

Is it possible to get remote ‘live’ access to the Telestudios production of the TLT Talk: Data Mining for Evaluation, Benchmarking and Reflective Practice; or will the talk be recorded, and made available for subsequent retrieval and review? Cheers, PB

2 kele { 12.06.05 at 9:10 am }

Hi Paul:

There will be a vide archive made available on UBC’s e-Learning website soon.


3 Paul { 12.13.05 at 7:08 am }

Hi Kele,

Good to hear from you. Since your reply to my query came after the event in question, I guess the answer to live access from off-shore was, “Non.”

How about for “Creation of a Learning Landscape: Homogenizing Weblogging, Social Networking and e-Portfolios?”



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