Peter’s CMap #2


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3 Responses to Peter’s CMap #2

  1. Sheela John says:

    Your web is very clearly laid out, Peter. It is easy to read and follow. I like your use of colour to separate out the different theories and concepts. I also appreciate how you bundled the clear examples and descriptions in each bubble.

    Some questions and suggestions I have are:
    Are the constructivism and Piaget bubbles grey for a reason? Perhaps the behaviourism and cognitivism bubbles should be grey, too. ( I like your clever use of two colours for Piaget’s name to show that his theories contribute to both cognitivism and constructivism.)
    Perhaps you could separate the UNICEF academic success comment on its own and have the SEL skills lead off the SEL descriptor bubble.
    You might also elaborate on the meaning of “Just enough” and “Just in time”.
    I saw a classroom connection for most concepts, except for Social Contexts of Learning and not explicitly for cognitivism/constructionism.
    Finally, you might consider adding a link between social contexts and social constructionism.

  2. kaitlin cobleigh says:

    Hi Peter,

    Great job so far on your concept map. I appreciate the clean lines, the clarity and colour coding. It makes it easy to read and follow.

    I would suggest having some interconnection between concepts, theories and theorists. I noticed that you have a connection to Vygotsky for SRL, which is great. You could find ways to connect him to SEL as well as there is an emphasis on the building of relationships through social interactions, and Vygotsky believed that learning is a social process. As well I think there could be several connections between constructivism and SEL, Social contexts of learning and SRL. It might make the map not as neat, but it will help to make clearer ties among the things we have learned so far.

    I noticed that you have scaffolding in SRL and in the constructivist section. You could create a connecting line from SRL to your constructivist bubble as it has a more detailed definition from Bruner and would reduce repetition. To keep the clean lines of your concept map you could always move all of your SRL section over to the right to be closer to Constructivism to have a clear connecting line.

    An aesthetic suggestion would be to make the font colour on the Social Emotional Learning section a bit darker as I was straining my eyes to read this section (it could be that my eyes are getting worse from staring at a computer screen so much these days!).

    Overall a really well developed and clear map. Awesome work Peter! 🙂

  3. cherie nagra says:

    Hi Peter,
    Your concept map is very easy to follow and understand.
    -I love how you included Piaget with two colours signifying the two different sections his theory fit under, well done there.
    -My biggest suggestion is around separating out the theories and the newer sections that we added since we learned about behaviourism, cognitivism, and constructivism. -After looking at other concept maps, people have linked those ideas to behaviourism, cognitivism, and constructivism with dotted lines or linking arrows…maybe consider it, but you don’t have to do it if you don’t agree.
    -Further down and to the left on your CMAP, you included a link to Vygotsky before SRL. Perhaps use a linking arrow to his theory under constructivism.
    -You have classroom practice included under behaviourism, perhaps wise to include it under constructivism and cognitivism as well?
    Overall, I love the clarity and simplicity of your CMAP, you get your message across without leaving out information.
    Well done.

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