Carrie HDLT presentation


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3 Responses to Carrie HDLT presentation

  1. carrie bourne says:

    I wrote a poem for my HDLT presentation!

  2. todd millway says:

    Hi Carrie,

    Thanks for being brave and original. A poem is much nicer that a video of a course overview. Makes one look for the connections:)
    I had a giggle at the “learn from each other like sister and brother” as it made me think of my own kids and their lack of helping each other over the years. Only now as teens that they do a bit.
    Providing guidance for kids to deal with diversity is huge. I like your overall SEL focus.
    A good nod to individual rate of development. I think we sometimes lose track of that, even though we are well aware of the variance in developmental rates. Unfortunately, kids experience much discrimination base on developmental readiness, whether physical, SE or cognitive.

    Have a great break

  3. amelia walker says:

    Hey Carrie!
    I really enjoyed your poem – so original! I never would’ve thought of writing something, especially a poem. I think you did a really great job with including so many theorists (Piaget, Vygotsky). Also, your beliefs within teaching are really clear to me through the poem. It’s clear that you value collaboration, participation, and starting with the student’s strengths.
    I wonder if you could include anything about how your thinking has changed throughout the course? Just a thought 🙂

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