Lit Sync Podcast

Reflection: This was an interesting, insightful, and borderline painful task for me. To clarify, I am passionate about digital literacy. My job is to support and encourage it in our school district and I live and breath it day in and day out.

The stretch for me was, listening to myself talk about it. This format of delivery was insightful for me. I talk fast and A LOT! I could not believe how long I spoke for and it was challenging to listen to. I messaged our group, with red cheeks, instantly. I thought a lot about whether to cut huge chunks out or to leave it.

Ironically, I started thinking about exactly what we chatted about in the podcast. The process of learning is messy, we learn through the doing. So with that in mind, we left it as it was. Knowing that this was my first time doing this, I made some personal next steps which are to try it again, slow down, and be more concise on my talking points.

I have gratitude for the opportunity to try something new and feel this discomfort. I look forward to trying podcasting again and growing from this experience.

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