Blink 182 was AWESOME.

Okay so Blink 182 may have broken up when I was 13 or 14, but I’m still allowed to feel nostalgia when they come on stage. ‘I miss you’ was my favorite song for a long time and the first gift I ever gave to my first boyfriend was the Blink 182 greatest hits CD.. back before we illegally downloaded everything. I saw them in concert on August 23rd and my life was then complete.

They are the classic “college band.” Lil’ Wayne could never replace Blink- ever! Still, I am never tired of their music, and I identify with it. I know how to rock out in the car to a good Blink tune. That’s something I’m going to miss when I go to UBC- driving down the high way with your friends blasting music. No more Poker face (Jeez that’s over played) and no more when love knocks you down.

Everyone should do this once: Meet my friend Marco from Montreal. Then, drive around in his yellow Volkswagen Beetle and listen to some David Guetta really really loud. That man (Guetta.. not Marco) makes me want to dance. Marco, if you’re reading this, consider yourself a UBC celeb now.

By the way, I SURVIVED THE WILD. It was intense and if anyone wants to know more about my trip with Outward Bound and how I am prepared to meet a BC Lumberjack and marry him- let me know. Probably one day soon I will randomly post more details about how I lost my leg to a bear. It’s not like I needed that leg anyways…

4 Days Until I move in to Res and no, I did not actually loose a leg.